Let’s Talk Grubs

Let’s talk grubs! Do you know what is going on in the soil under your lawn? Beetles emerge from the soil in early to mid-summer. They feed on plants and lay their eggs in the soil of your yard. Later in the summer the eggs hatch and the grubs begin to eat as much as they can. You may notice brown patches in your lawn in the late summer. Lawn Grubs are white, c-shaped larvae and can be discovered by peeling back the turf and checking the soil. If you find 6 or more per square foot you may want to consider treating your lawn. Many factors can cause brown patches in your yard, like drought or disease so it is important to determine the cause and begin working on a solution to minimize the damage. If you do have an infestation of grubs in your lawn, they will continue to feed on the root systems and the damage will only get worse. On top of that, moles and skunks feed on lawn grubs and will tear up your lawn in the process of feasting on grubs. If you suspect you have grubs, you can search the internet and find DIY treatments which are ineffective and time consuming. Or you can gain peace of mind and contact a professional. Meadowbrook Landscaping can inspect your trouble areas, give you an honest evaluation and treatment plan. You deserve to enjoy your lawn to the fullest instead of spending time worrying about what is damaging your lawn.

Chris Leathery

For the past 25 years, I have owned Meadowbrook Landscaping LLC based in Dover, PA. We offer landscape designs, installations and full-service lawn solutions in York and Adams County Pennsylvania.


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